Board Governance Insight
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Governance challenges and lessons learned in rural healthcare
Lori Wightman, RN, FACHE, President of Mercy Hospital Ada in Oklahoma, has led community and critical-access hospitals in rural America. Given her background, Practical Governance Group set out to discover her opinion on which issues are more prevalent within hospitals in rural communities.

Educating trustees | Must-haves in new board member orientation
While nearly all hospitals and health systems orient their new trustees, crash courses vary. Here we address basic orientations for new board members, as well as what some organizations do to welcome (and engulf) their new arrivals.
Video: Board of Directors’ Fiduciary Duty of Disclosure
Directors of boards are held to a set of fiduciary responsibilities. One is the duty of disclosure. Learn what needs to be revealed (example provided). Taught by J. Larry Tyler, Chairman and CEO of Practical Governance Group.
Video: The Business Judgment Rule, a governance cloak
There are times when board members or directors make mistakes. Are they legally liable? Learn about the Business Judgment Rule, a governance cloak. Taught by J. Larry Tyler, FACHE, FHFMA, CMPE, Chairman and CEO of Practical Governance Group.

Healthcare organizations’ two most common problems may surprise you
A healthcare executive whose mission is to consult organizations during transition periods, Dr. Ray Snead has found there’s a common “problem” denominator in nearly all of the healthcare organizations he’s served and helped turn around.
Video: Appointing Committee Members and the Governance Committee
Learn how to appoint committee members to your board and the functions of the team typically charged with caring for the board — the Governance Committee.

Best board size for optimal performance
Having too many or too few members can hurt your board. Studies reveal there might be a magic range for your board to perform well.

Conflicts among boardroom trustees: Swimming in dangerous waters
Learn about the consequences of conflicts of interest among trustees and ways to minimize their risk. By Greg Piche, J.D., Vice Chairman.

Board Governance: Universal Truths for CEOs
Regardless of the size, location and ownership of your board, universal truths exist. Here are five that relate to CEOs.
Video: Duty of Loyalty and Conflicts of Interest
Learn about a governing board’s duty of loyalty and tips to stay ahead of conflicts of interest. Taught by J. Larry Tyler, Chairman and CEO. (2 min, 18 sec)