Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) Webinar, Course T4049
Thursday, Sept. 21, 2017
1:30 to 3 p.m. EDT

Featured Faculty

Charles R. Evans, FACHE
Associate, Practical Governance Group
President, International Health Services Group
Senior Advisor, Jackson Healthcare

Course Curriculum

Good governance is critical to the success of healthcare organizations. Forming the foundation is the relationship between the CEO and the board, and the CEO and board chair. These relationships are critical for healthcare organizations to achieve their mission and maximize their community benefit.

Since the board ultimately is responsible for high levels of executive management performance, attendees also will learn about CEO evaluations as the CEO is the only employee who reports directly to this group.

Assessing CEOs clarifies roles, responsibilities and job expectations. The process also offers insight into his/her strengths, opportunities for improvement and performance. Performance reviews are critical for the development and accountability of healthcare organizations’ CEOs and their boards.

The last portion of the webinar focuses on the role of the advisory board. The importance of the advisory board charter is emphasized and guidelines for effective advisory leadership are presented.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this session, the participants will be able to:

  1. Discuss the importance of good relationships between the CEO-board, and CEO-board chair.
  2. Identify the ingredients that assure good relationships.
  3. Explain the importance of thorough, structured, systematic and fair CEO performance appraisals.
  4. Differentiate between myths and facts related to appraisals.
  5. Discuss how to develop and conduct evaluations.
  6. Analyze the roles of the CEO and board in the appraisal process.
  7. Explain assessment design, including criteria and necessary areas of assessment.
  8. Discuss the value of a charter.
  9. Identify the guiding principles for effective leadership with an advisory board.

Target Audience

This session is ideal for CEOs and board members of healthcare organizations.


Charles R. Evans, FACHE, is Associate of Practical Governance Group, a team of healthcare consultants and academicians passionate about good governance and the education of healthcare boards. He is also President of the International Health Services Group (IHSG) and Senior Advisor at Jackson Healthcare.

Charlie’s other professional experience includes HCA (Hospital Corporation of America), where he was named president of operations of HCA’s Eastern Group in 2004. Prior to HCA, Charlie served in executive positions at Memorial Medical Center of Jacksonville, Florida, and Community Hospitals in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is a Fellow with the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), and serves as a board member of multiple profit and non‐profit organizations.

Charlie has no real or perceived conflicts of interest that relate to this presentation.

Continuing Education Credits

The Georgia Hospital Association is an approved provider of nursing home administrator credits by the Georgia Board of Nursing Home Administrators. Approved for 1.5 contact hours in leadership skills and management.


There is a site fee of $225 for this course. It is recommended that you register as early as possible to ensure timely delivery of instructional materials. Register by contacting Bess Zappa at 770-249-4542 or by Sept. 19, 2017, or contact your education coordinator for registration and further information. Note: The fee is for one phone line with unlimited participants. Each additional line/connection is $225.